Brand Story

Create technology with purpose of adding real value
Siemens Home Appliances - The brand for exciting new opportunities. With excellent technology and outstanding innovations Siemens provides answers to the social, economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century. The company and the brand so embody the timeless vision of company founder Werner von Siemens: Progress in the service of man.
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Siemens is a company with a vast history. Stemming back to 1843, Wilhelm Siemens struck a business deal in the UK by selling a patent for a unique electroplating process. Since then, they have sold water meters, submarine cables, have laid telegraph links, got involved in medical engineering, the transport industry, household appliances and much more, making them one of the largest industrial manufacturing companies in Europe.

Responsibility, excellence and innovation. Siemens believe in sustainable development as a means to achieve profitable and long term growth based on the environment, people and responsible business practises.
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